Tofu Scramble 

So, it’s been forever since I posted a recipe. Why? Because life gets crazy sometimes. A new career away from the food industry altogether means that my work and my blog are no longer merged. Long shifts and odd hours keep me away from home and juggling a full time job, kids, and making delicious vegan meals is pure chaos…but it’s not impossible and I’m living proof of that. So for my first posted recipe in awhile, I thought I’d share one of my most asked about recipes, Tofu scramble. It’s quick, easy, and cheap to make, it does not require any hard to find ingredients, and it can be made by anyone with even minimal culinary skill. A perfect dish for busy people on the go!

Tofu scramble with gardein chickn’ strips and cheezy tofu scramble. Why not have tofu scramble with dinner? It’s a great side with any meal.

What do you need? Simple!

1 block of firm tofu (around 350g)

1 tablespoon vegan butter, or oil for cooking

Approximately I teaspoon each of the following :


Ground black pepper

Garlic powder

Onion powder

Turmeric (for colour)

Feel free to play around with the spices. Add some of your favourites for more flavour. No turmeric? Try curry powder. Gives the scramble that egg colour but adds a little flavour kick too. Don’t like black pepper? Leave it out. No garlic powder? Double up on the onion powder or vice versa. I’ve heard that Indian black salt is amazing in this dish. I haven’t had the opportunity to try it myself. I’ll be making a trip to an Indian grocery store in the near future where I’m hoping to find some. I will of course be giving an update when I do finally find it.

Crumble the tofu coarsely by hand. Add to a heated frying pan with the vegan butter or oil. Then add the spices and mix. As the tofu cooks it will break apart but you can always chop up any larger pieces using the spatula. It only takes a couple of minutes to cook, just till it’s heated through an done spices and seasonings are mixed evenly.

Tofu scramble with toast and a field roast sausage. It’s so easy to create a meal from tofu scramble. A couple of simple sides and you’ll have a delicious breakfast in no time.

This is where you can improvise. Tofu scramble is great on it’s own, but you can add anything you’d add to scrambled eggs. Chopped onion, chopped pepper, vegan cheese, or my favourite, vegan sausage.

Crumbled some Yves veggie sausage rounds into this scramble and topped it with herb and garlic seasoning, nutritional flakes, and sriracha.

So there it is. Easy, cheap, simple and quick to make. Great in a breakfast wrap too for busy people on the go…or lazy people who just like wraps. Give it a try! My kids say that they like these more than scrambled eggs. Way healthier and cruelty-free too!

Tofu scramble, Vegan cheeze, and Yves veggie sausages make these breakfast wraps the perfect grab and go meal
Another easy meal made by adding a couple of simple sides to the tofu scramble. Yves veggie sausage rounds and vegan crescent rolls. Minutes to make and absolutely delicious.

Experiment away with this easy and versatile recipe. Please post your creations on instagram or Facebook and tag #cheapveganmom so I can see your fabulous meals.

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